Features / Additional Extras


Team Members

Invite other users to your workspace and build forms together.

Create a Form →

Collaborate with others using our Team Members feature.

Team Members can be invited to your entire Workspace or a Project.

Invite Members to Workspace

Check Icon

Available on all plans

Invite a Team Member to your workspace by visiting any Project, selecting Add Member and clicking Workspace:

Clicking the 'Add Member' button within Form Falcon and selecting 'Workspace'

Alternatively, visit your Workspace and select Members, followed by Add Admin:

Clicking the 'Add Admin' button within your Form Falcon Workspace and sending an invite

You can Cancel an invite or Revoke member permissions any time by viewing the list of members and selecting the desired option.

Team Members invited to your Workspace have full admin privileges - access to all projects, creating and deleting forms, reading responses, configuring plugins, creating new projects and inviting other members.

Invite Members to a Project

Check Icon

Available on plans: Premier, Enterprise

Invite Team Members on a project-level only to only share relevant forms. Invited users will not be able to see any other forms or projects that they are not granted access to - but will be part of your Workspace.

Invite a Team Member to your workspace by visiting any Project, selecting Add Member and clicking Project:

Clicking the 'Add Member' button within Form Falcon and selecting 'Project'

Alternatively, visit your Workspace and select Members, followed by Add Guest on the Project you wish to share:

Clicking the 'Add Guest' button within your Form Falcon Workspace and sending an invite

You can Cancel an invite or Revoke member permissions any time by viewing the list of members and selecting the desired option.

Team Members can also be invited to multiple projects at once, giving you complete flexibility.

Team Members invited to your Project have full project privileges - access to all forms within that project, reading responses, configuring plugins, creating and deleting forms and inviting other members. Project Team Members cannot move forms outside of the project they are shared with, nor can they delete any admins.